Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Homework: Topic Sentences

Go through the Chabon "Keynote" and underline/highlight the topic sentence of each paragraph. (Every other sentence in the paragraph should relate back to/support the topic sentence.) If a paragraph has one sentence, finding the topic sentence is very easy. (Hint: the topic sentence is often (not always, but often) the first sentence in the paragraph.)

Here's and example:
By the wide world, for at least the first forty years of their existence, comics were universally branded as juvenile. They were the ultimate greasy kids’ stuff. They were viewed as the literary equivalent of bubblegum cards, meant to be poked into the spokes of a young mind where they would produce a satisfying—but entirely bogus—rumble of pleasure.
The second two sentences support the idea of the first; they explain what he means by juvenile.

Due: 12 Sept 2013

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