Thursday, September 5, 2013

Ender’s Game: Vocabulary 1

If you missed class on Sept. 5th, use a dictionary to identify the proper definition for each word. The sentences from Chapter 10 where the vocabulary words appear is provided at the bottom of the page. Use context clues from the text to help you arrive at the proper definition. Do not use part of the vocabulary word in its definition (e.g., “In an adroit manner” is not an acceptable definition for “Adroitly.” Look up the definition of “Adroit” and incorporate it into the definition.)

Adroitly (adv):

Celebrated (adj):

Concession (n):

Deft (adj):

Elimination (n):

Equivalent (n):

Impression (n):

Milling (part):

Prestigious (adj):

Quarters (n):

Shored (v):

…and his evening practices had become the most prestigious group in the school. (p. 155)

Anderson took him first to his new quarters. (p. 155)

Now that he’d got quite deft at maneuvering without [a hook], here he was. (p. 156)

We’ve assembled an army by advancing the equivalent of an entire launch course early…. (p. 156)

It was how commanders always shored up their weak points…. (p. 157)

They were there already, milling around near the entrance. (p. 157)

Some he didn’t even recognize, they had made so little impression. (p. 158)

They recognized Ender, … the most celebrated soldier in the school. (p. 158)

Ender tried to decide whether to like the little kid for refusing to take a concession or to be annoyed at his insubordinate attitude. (p. 159)

The only process you’ve mastered is the process of elimination. (p. 160)

The littlest kid … was the first to arrive at the correct wall, and he caught himself adroitly. (p. 160)

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