Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Billy Collins' "Introduction to Poetry"

After reading the poem "Introduction to Poetry" by Billy Collins, answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Support each 3-5 sentence response with embedded text evidence.
  1. What words and images stand out in this poem? Choose one that really speaks to you. What about it intrigued or appealed to you?

  2. What do you think Collins is saying about the study of poetry? According to Collins, what is the real goal of reading poetry?

  3. Compare stanzas 5 and 6. How does the humor used in these stanzas bring his theme to light?

  4. “Introduction to Poetry” is divided into seven stanzas. Three of the stanzas have two lines and three of the stanzas have three lines. One stanza, stanza 2, only has one line. Did Collins make a mistake? Did he just get lazy? Why do you think Collins chose to make line 4 its own stanza? What effect does this structural decision have on the reading of the poem?

  5. How would you describe the speaker's tone in the poem? Is this poem meant to be funny or serious? How are we meant to feel about the situation the speaker describes? How are we meant to feel about poetry by the end of the “Introduction”?

  6. Why does Collins use personification when he describes “the poem” in the last two stanzas? What effect does the personification have on the poem's ending?

  7. The speaker asks the students to “feel the [poem’s] walls for a light switch,” something to shed some light, illuminate, excite. Did you find any light switches in “Introduction to Poetry,” any places that made you happy, or inspired, or interested? Where were they (what lines or words), and what attracted you to them?

Question sources: here and here.

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