Friday, October 25, 2013

Song of My Schoolday (Extra Credit Opportunity)

Sound and song is an important part of our novel, The Pearl, as you could tell from Chapter One (“Song of the Family,” “Song of Evil”). Much like Kino, you will make a “soundtrack” of the different parts of your school day, from start to finish. The steps for this project are outlined as follows:

1. Think of songs that you could relate with the 7 periods of your school day:
- 1st period:
- 2nd period:
- 3rd period:
- 4th period:
- 5th period:
- 6th period:
- 7th period:

On a clean sheet of notebook paper, write at least 3 sentences explaining your choice for each song, and why they are appropriate for those particular times. **Include the song title and artist. **

Ex: Track 1 (When marching band practices): “Downeaster Alexa” by Billy Joel. I chose this song because I hear it every morning during first period. At first it was kind of annoying (sorry band), but after Mr. Woody dedicated the song to me for the rest of the year, I’ve found renewed appreciation for it. The lyrics speak of “work[ing] my fingers to the bone” for the “people…who count on me.” These sentiments speak volumes about the work I do starting with First Period every day.

2. Print out the lyrics to all of the songs you choose, and highlight the parts you talk about in your explanation.

** Important: Your songs must be SCHOOL APPROPRIATE. It may be hard to find a song without an occasional curse word, BUT your song cannot talk EXPLICITLY about anything. Just remember, I can hold you responsible for anything you turn in and write.**

Not having a computer is not an excuse. You can do this on a computer at the public library. You can make a friend.

EXTRA EXTRA CREDIT: Burn a CD (or load a USB drive) with your 7 songs on it! (+10 points)

Successful completion of this opportunity will replace one missing classwork grade assigned prior to the deadline, which is Monday, November 4th. You may, of course, turn it in earlier, if you would like. If you are absent on the 4th and did not turn it in beforehand, I suggest you pick a Blues song for my class, as I will not accept late work for extra credit.

If you have questions on anything, please talk with me before or after school to clear everything up.

As mentioned above, the deadline is November 4, 2013.
No late work will be accepted.

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